Friday, October 20, 2017


In accordance with the amendments and extensions of the relevant ordinances, employers in the above three areas may be require to register with the Human Resources Development Foundation if they employ 5 to 9 local staff; if they are employed by 10 or more local employees, they are mandatory to register under Human Resources Development Fund.

Since first of April 2017, the prosecution of Amendment Act of Human Resource Development Cooperation 2001 by Human Resource Development Foundation had raise overall production and mining business. Hence, tax free period will be extend till 30th of September. All changes will be formally effective from 1st of October 2017.

According to some changes and extension of act, employers who include the above three areas employ 5 to 9 local employees may register under Human Resource Department Foundation. However, employer who employ 10 or more local employees were classified as mandatory to register under Human Resource Development Foundation as well as the conditions for the unification of the capital and the mining industry.

Prosecution of Amendment Act of Human Resource Development Cooperation 2001 covered major area information and businesses example hotel business, telecommunication, distributor , courier service, training house, supermarket, hypermarket, direct sales, security firm, car accessories and repair services, tourism company, catering industry and etc. 

Those who fail to obey will be charge under 13th Law and regulation of 2001 P[S.M]B and receive a penalty of RM 10,000 or serve up to 1 year of imprisonment. Only for employer who already registered under Human Resource Development Foundation and employ 5 to 9 employees were requested to pay 0.5% annual salary of each employees to the Foundation. 

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