Friday, June 8, 2018

GST UPDATE: What happened to tax codes after 0% GST? 

Starting from 1st of June 2018, GST has been decreased from 6% to 0%. It created many questions and mystery for many users which tax code is still valid and which tax code has been revoked. Here are some simple guidelines about supply and purchase tax codes change and GST-03 for our fellow lost sheep.



Edited by: 
Bruce Leong

Reference Source: Official SQL HQ Facebook page.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Big news: Deduction of GST from 6% to 0% in Malaysia

Big news: Deduction of GST from 6% to 0% in Malaysia

6 月1 日后消费税从 6% 修改至 0% 后, 头脑是不是充满了疑惑。究竟 supply 应该是 SR-0% 还是 ZRL 呢 ? 相信大家也有同样的问题出现在脑海里吧。让我们 SQL My Software 继续为您解开 6 月 1 日前后的这个世纪之谜。

01 June 2018, our formal Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir announced the deduction of GST percentage from original 6% to 0%, this is a great news for the Malaysian. At the same time, this causes many people unsure about what tax code should apply for "supply", is it SR-0% ? or just ZRL ? For advance information about GST, please stay tune on SQL My Software. We are the detective of your mystery.









Edited by: 
Bruce Leong

Reference Source: Official SQL HQ Facebook page.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Latest GST Updates on GST-03 Field 15 from Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia

关税局发布消费税报表Field 15更新 

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Edited by: 
Bruce Leong

Reference Source: Official SQL HQ Facebook page.



Thursday, February 1, 2018

EIS Lampiran 1 (excel) DIRECT EMAIL to SIP

EIS Lampiran 1 (excel) DIRECT EMAIL to SIP , easy 1 click with SQL Payroll version 135 now.

To make you submission EIS lampiran 1 more easy now.
Please contact us for the update.



Thursday, January 18, 2018

New Employee Insurance Scheme in 2018 Malaysia.

What is Employee Insurance Scheme?

EIS is an emergency financial aid for retrenched worker who lost their jobs. It also provides assistance during job search and provides them financial support for them until they find a new job and also counseling. Employer and employee will be compulsory to pay 0.25% of employee's monthly wages to EIS pool.

Benefits of Employee Insurance Scheme (EIS)

There will be four types of allowances for retrenched workers.

Job search allowance - Financial support will be provided for new employment.

Early Employment Allowance - EIS will provide early employment allowance until they found a                                                            new job

Provide Aids in job search - Retrenched worker will be given job search aids and counseling

What is EIS?

Can Employee Claim EIS If My Company Wind Down?

How much $ can an employee claim from EIS? 

Does EIS start from employment probation period?

What constitutes as wages under EIS? 

Can Employee Claim EIS for Termination Due to Failure to Meet Targets or KPI? 

How Do Employer and Employee Register for EIS? What Are The Employer Obligations? 

How Fast Can I Get EIS $$$ When Unemployed? 

How to claim EIS $ for loss of employment? 

Can I claim EIS if I was layoff before my contract end? 

What to do for unpaid salary and does it affect EIS claim? 

Can I claim EIS without genuinely looking for work? 

Is EIS good for employee or is it a burden?

Can I claim EIS if I resign because my company is moving to a new location? 

I was demoted and my salary reduced. Can I claim EIS? 

Edited by: 
Bruce Leong

Reference Source: Official SQL HQ Facebook page.